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Our youth. Our Future. Empowering our youth to meet their potential.

The Alberta Junior Shorthorn Association members are very proud to have launched a scholarship program in support of members attending post secondary programs. The inaugural scholarship was presented in 2023 at Farmfair International to Kayla VanDeVoorde. The scholarship is funded by the AJSA through their fundraising efforts. 

AJSA Member Showing A Bull


Support the next generation of agriculture by donating towards the AJSA Scholarship.

If you would like to donate to the AJSA Scholarship, please get in touch with the AJSA Junior Liaison. Every donation is greatly appreciated.

Shorthorn Plus Steer Being Shown


1. Applicants must be an Alberta Junior Shorthorn Association member. Junior membership of $25.00 (+GST) must be paid to the CSA for the calendar year. (A Junior membership to the CSA automatically makes you an AJSA member).
2. Two scholarships will be awarded yearly in the amounts of $500 each.
3. Qualified applicants should demonstrate a level of activity within the Alberta Shorthorn beef industry and/or Alberta Junior Shorthorn Association events.
4. The applicant must include a copy of their most current official post-secondary academic year transcripts and/or a letter of acceptance to a post-secondary institution along with their latest high school transcript.
5. If you have received this scholarship once, you cannot receive it again.
6. Unsuccessful applicants may re-apply in subsequent years if they meet the requirements.
7. Applications must be neat and legible.
8. Please submit a photo with your application.
9. Applications will be reviewed by a group of at least 3 persons as selected by the AJSA Scholarship committee.
10. Applications must be received by the AJSA by October 15, 2023. Late applications will not be considered. Your application should include the application form, your written component and your transcripts. Reference letters and resumes are not required.

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